Tag Archives: where to buy pepper spray online

Buy Discount Pepper Spray Online

How do you buy pepper spray products at a discount?

There are several ways to do this.

One is to buy from a wholesaler. You might have to buy mass quantities of the product you want. This may not work if you only want one item and you don’t want to become a reseller.

Another way is to buy on Ebay directly from a China supplier–can you afford to wait 2-4 weeks for your cheap pepper spray? Will it actually arrive? Who do you call for customer service if something goes wrong?

A third way is to buy hot pepper spray online from a reputable seller (such as Platinum Security Products). You can get a discount pepper spray in several colors, get fast shipping and have a phone number, website or email for any of your questions.

We’ve all been to stores or shopped online where we’ve said we’d never shop there again no matter what the price. Maybe you bought something at a discount, but the customer service or overall experience was also “at a discount”.  Was it worth it?

There are those who only look at the dollar when they buy something. Others will look at the value–there is a difference. When it comes to your safety and security, make sure the “discount” is worth it.

Discount Pepper Spray