Tag Archives: self defense products

Pepper Spray Self Defense

You may be wondering what exactly is self defense. When can it be used, how may it be used, can a weapon be used, if so, what kind? Lethal or non-lethal? Should you just run away, retreat? What if you can’t? What if you’re being held down and attacked?

Unless you’ve been out of the country for the last week, you know that George Zimmerman has been acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida.  Riots and protests ensued, Stevie Wonder is boycotting the state of Florida, opinions are flying around, the jurors are in hiding, the feds are threatening to get involved, and so on.

All in the name of self defense!

I think this issue of self-defense and “Stand Your Ground” is going to be picked apart and examined under a microscope until people (politicians) think they can come up with a reasonable answer. But can they? There will be a million different circumstances and a million different outcomes…who can say what the one right answer is?

Anyways, in the case of George and Trayvon, we’ll never know what really happened that night, and both men made mistakes, sadly, one of them fatal.

WHAT IF George had used pepper spray in self defense? He could have still protected himself, it just wouldn’t have been lethal. There would have been a different ending to that story.

Our products at Platinum Security Products are non-lethal self defense weapons. They are effective and have no permanent
damage to an attacker. Chances are slim that you’ll wind up in court after using them.


New Pepper Spray That Can’t Be Taken Away

I’ve met many women at various types of shows who tell me they’re afraid to carry pepper spray because it might be used against them.

Well, I’ve found a defense spray that can’t be used against them. It’s the new Defuser Pepper Spray, available in pink or black.

There’s a good size wrist strap that inserts into the pepper spray canister unit. If someone tries to take away your pepper spray and pulls it away from you, the wrist strap detaches, leaving the canister deactivated! Hopefully, you’ll get to spray him before it’s grabbed.

How cool is that?

The Defuser Pepper Spray will take care of two of your fears! Get some today!

DeFuser Pepper Spray

DeFuser Pepper Spray in Pink & Black

Pepper Spray for College Girls

Parents are sending their daughters (and sons) away to college, and many are afraid. Afraid because their children are going off on their own for the first time, maybe to a large urban city where all kinds of dangers lurk.

One way to alleviate that fear is to send them off with some type of non lethal self defense product, like a cheap pepper spray. Small, easy to use, and effective, pepper spray comes in all sizes and forms.

Whether it’s a 1/2 oz pink pepper spray keychain, a disguised pepper spray pen, or a larger pepper spray canister kept in the dorm room, their college girl will feel safer and more secure on campus or roaming around a new city.

Also, whether meeting new friends on campus or some stranger on a bus, their college girl will be able to defend herself if needed.

So parents, when you are preparing a “care package” for your student, don’t forget the gift of self defense.

The Handy Dandy Pepper Spray Pen

If you’re looking for some pepper spray protection but don’t like the usual shapes or types, you’ve come to the right place.

This little secret weapon is a disguised pepper spray pen.No, it doesn’t actually write, but it may fool a potential attacker or a creepy date.

You know how you’re always losing pens or you have too many in your purse? Well, this could be one of ’em.

They’re so cheap (only $4.99), yet effective, you’ll want to keep them everywhere! Purse, pocket, laptop bag, car console, desk, dresser, in your checkbook, behind your ear….

Pepper spray pens contain enough defense spray for 6-10 bursts at a range of 6-8 ft.

Just don’t mistake it for a real pen or perfume. Disguised Pepper Spray Pen

Combination Pepper Spray Kits for All Around Defense

Many people feel the need to own several different types and sizes of pepper sprays so they feel safe wherever they are.

When at home, a large pepper spray or two kept in the bedroom, near the front door, or in the garage or basement will provide a sense of security.

In your car, you may want a smaller pepper spray to keep on your visor, or in your console or glove box to ward off someone who tries to carjack you, or in the event of a suspicious accident, you’ll have a self defense product to protect you and/or your family.

Man or woman, you may want to carry a mini pepper spray in your pocket or purse. Many of these have keychains to make it convenient to carry with you all the time.

Think about your daily routine and where you might need to beef up your defense. Total pepper spray protection may be just what you need.