Tag Archives: prevent attack

Lipstick Pepper Spray for a Bad Date

You’ve been out on a date with a guy who’s a dud and you can’t wait for it to end!

He thinks it’s going great. He pulls the car up to your building and stops to let you out (he’s not the kind to walk you to the door).

He grabs you for a good night kiss and a grope at your chest. You push him away but he keeps grabbing.

Ask him for a moment to get a breath mint out of your purse, or to redo your lipstick or any excuse to get your cute lipstick pepper spray out of your purse.

This guy just doesn’t get the meaning of the word “stop”, so you need to show him you mean business.

Hopefully,  just the threat of being pepper sprayed will make him stop long enough for you to get out of the car. You don’t really want to be in the car if you need to spray him.

This cute pepper spray disguised as a tube of lipstick can prevent an attack or rape so don’t be afraid to carry it.