Tag Archives: how to use bear spray

Black Bears, Grizzly Bears, Brown Bears, Oh My!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

If Dorothy had the best bear pepper spray with her, she never would be afraid of bears again.

Whether you might come across black bears, grizzly bears, or brown bears, make sure you’re protected against a vicious bear attack. Bears may be in your own backyard or you may encounter them in a national park while hiking.

Call it grizzly bear spray, black bear spray or just anti bear spray, but carry some kind of bear repellent or bear deterrent like Guard Alaska Bear Pepper Spray.

Registered with the EPA, and formulated to repel a bear in a safe and humane way, this popular bear mace spray is effective and powerful. It has a shooting range of 20-30 feet, who wants to get any closer than that? The bear won’t be harmed and hopefully you won’t either.

bear mace