Tag Archives: cheap pepper spray

Buy Discount Pepper Spray Online

How do you buy pepper spray products at a discount?

There are several ways to do this.

One is to buy from a wholesaler. You might have to buy mass quantities of the product you want. This may not work if you only want one item and you don’t want to become a reseller.

Another way is to buy on Ebay directly from a China supplier–can you afford to wait 2-4 weeks for your cheap pepper spray? Will it actually arrive? Who do you call for customer service if something goes wrong?

A third way is to buy hot pepper spray online from a reputable seller (such as Platinum Security Products). You can get a discount pepper spray in several colors, get fast shipping and have a phone number, website or email for any of your questions.

We’ve all been to stores or shopped online where we’ve said we’d never shop there again no matter what the price. Maybe you bought something at a discount, but the customer service or overall experience was also “at a discount”.  Was it worth it?

There are those who only look at the dollar when they buy something. Others will look at the value–there is a difference. When it comes to your safety and security, make sure the “discount” is worth it.

Discount Pepper Spray


Pepper Spray for College Girls

Parents are sending their daughters (and sons) away to college, and many are afraid. Afraid because their children are going off on their own for the first time, maybe to a large urban city where all kinds of dangers lurk.

One way to alleviate that fear is to send them off with some type of non lethal self defense product, like a cheap pepper spray. Small, easy to use, and effective, pepper spray comes in all sizes and forms.

Whether it’s a 1/2 oz pink pepper spray keychain, a disguised pepper spray pen, or a larger pepper spray canister kept in the dorm room, their college girl will feel safer and more secure on campus or roaming around a new city.

Also, whether meeting new friends on campus or some stranger on a bus, their college girl will be able to defend herself if needed.

So parents, when you are preparing a “care package” for your student, don’t forget the gift of self defense.

The Handy Dandy Pepper Spray Pen

If you’re looking for some pepper spray protection but don’t like the usual shapes or types, you’ve come to the right place.

This little secret weapon is a disguised pepper spray pen.No, it doesn’t actually write, but it may fool a potential attacker or a creepy date.

You know how you’re always losing pens or you have too many in your purse? Well, this could be one of ’em.

They’re so cheap (only $4.99), yet effective, you’ll want to keep them everywhere! Purse, pocket, laptop bag, car console, desk, dresser, in your checkbook, behind your ear….

Pepper spray pens contain enough defense spray for 6-10 bursts at a range of 6-8 ft.

Just don’t mistake it for a real pen or perfume. Disguised Pepper Spray Pen

A Few FAQ’s About Pepper Spray

Here’s a few of the most common questions I get about pepper spray. Hope these help. I’ll have more later, check back!

1. Does Pepper Spray Expire?
Yes, most canisters last 3-4 years and the pepper spray expiration date should be on the can. The potency may decrease, so you want to make sure you the effectiveness of pepper spray is still strong

2. How long do the effects of oc, mace or pepper spray last?
Anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the strength of the spray, measured by the Scoville Heat Units, depending on how much was sprayed on the attacker, or whether or not the attacker was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3. How do I use pepper spray?
You should practice good pepper spray techniques when you get a can. Read the package for directions, go outside, aim at something and spray.
Try for a one second burst downwind so you don’t spray yourself.
Get used to the feel of the sprayer, find the best way to grip it, know how to unlock the safety lock or cap, and know what it feels like when you spray.

Click here to get a great little book all about pepper spray facts you should know.