Tag Archives: buy pepper spray online

New Pepper Spray That Can’t Be Taken Away

I’ve met many women at various types of shows who tell me they’re afraid to carry pepper spray because it might be used against them.

Well, I’ve found a defense spray that can’t be used against them. It’s the new Defuser Pepper Spray, available in pink or black.

There’s a good size wrist strap that inserts into the pepper spray canister unit. If someone tries to take away your pepper spray and pulls it away from you, the wrist strap detaches, leaving the canister deactivated! Hopefully, you’ll get to spray him before it’s grabbed.

How cool is that?

The Defuser Pepper Spray will take care of two of your fears! Get some today!

DeFuser Pepper Spray

DeFuser Pepper Spray in Pink & Black

Pepper Gel Is Not A Hair Product!

Pepper spray, pepper foam, pepper stream, pepper gel…so many types, what’s the difference?

Today I’ll talk about pepper gel.

Pepper gel comes in a container like regular pepper spray in several different sizes. When it’s sprayed out at an attacker, it’ll stick like glue to his face, hair, neck, wherever you hit!

Since it’s sticky, it can’t be rubbed off, in fact, if he tries to rub it off, it just permeates into his skin more. More irritation, more burning, more everything.

Pepper gel is better on a windy day since it won’t spread like a spray, and it’s better if you have to use it indoors or in a smaller space. You also don’t have to worry about your aim, like you do with a stream.

Pepper gel has its advantages. So think about your daily routine and see if this is something you might need. Remember, do not use it on your hair!


A Few FAQ’s About Pepper Spray

Here’s a few of the most common questions I get about pepper spray. Hope these help. I’ll have more later, check back!

1. Does Pepper Spray Expire?
Yes, most canisters last 3-4 years and the pepper spray expiration date should be on the can. The potency may decrease, so you want to make sure you the effectiveness of pepper spray is still strong

2. How long do the effects of oc, mace or pepper spray last?
Anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the strength of the spray, measured by the Scoville Heat Units, depending on how much was sprayed on the attacker, or whether or not the attacker was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3. How do I use pepper spray?
You should practice good pepper spray techniques when you get a can. Read the package for directions, go outside, aim at something and spray.
Try for a one second burst downwind so you don’t spray yourself.
Get used to the feel of the sprayer, find the best way to grip it, know how to unlock the safety lock or cap, and know what it feels like when you spray.

Click here to get a great little book all about pepper spray facts you should know.