Category Archives: Pepper Spray Reviews

Tear Gas Vs. Pepper Spray

What should you buy–tear gas vs. pepper spray?

Tear gas and pepper spray can both be used for self defense but have different effects.

Tear gas will cause profuse tearing and an intense burning sensation to the face or skin along with disorientation.

Pepper spray is an irritant and will cause the eyes to slam shut, and cause coughing and choking.

There are some self defense sprays that contain both along with a UV dye to help identify an attacker that gets pepper sprayed.

If it’s legal in your state, get the most effective pepper spray that have OC  pepper spray AND tear gas for double protection.

Triple action pepper spray with tear gas and dye is even better!

Athletic Pepper Spray for Runners, Joggers, Walkers

Whether you’re a jogger, runner, walker, or just like being outside doing something physical, you may need protection.

Unfortunately, it’s usually women being attacked while jogging alone that make the news.

We have several portable pepper sprays that will make you feel safer while you’re outside.  There’s pepper spray for runners that has a velcro strap for your arm. The pepper spray canister is attached to the strap for easy use.

Another item is Mace Hot Walkers Pepper Spray. These are hand-held weights with built-in pepper spray protection. Just press the top button to spray anyone who threatens you.

Called by many names–athletic pepper spray, jogger pepper spray, mace for runners, or runners mace, make sure you can defend yourself while you’re outside.

The Handy Dandy Pepper Spray Pen

If you’re looking for some pepper spray protection but don’t like the usual shapes or types, you’ve come to the right place.

This little secret weapon is a disguised pepper spray pen.No, it doesn’t actually write, but it may fool a potential attacker or a creepy date.

You know how you’re always losing pens or you have too many in your purse? Well, this could be one of ’em.

They’re so cheap (only $4.99), yet effective, you’ll want to keep them everywhere! Purse, pocket, laptop bag, car console, desk, dresser, in your checkbook, behind your ear….

Pepper spray pens contain enough defense spray for 6-10 bursts at a range of 6-8 ft.

Just don’t mistake it for a real pen or perfume. Disguised Pepper Spray Pen

Mace Pepper Guns Are Not Toys!

Have the last laugh carrying around a little pretend gun! When an attacker tries something, he’ll be sorry when he finds out what it does to him!

The Mace Pepper Spray Gun is an innovative pepper spray device that has the ability to spray in any direction, even upside down. It sprays a continuous spray like an aerosol can.

You won’t have to worry about the angle if you’re knocked down or aiming from behind your back or some other strange position. The trigger activated LED light will also help with your aim.

This pepper gun has a shooting range of up to 25′, wow! Keeps the creeps away, far away!

It comes in silver, blue, pink or blue/black, and comes with a practice water cartridge so you can try it out first and be ready for the real stuff.

Refills are also available, hopefully you won’t need any!

Mace Pepper Spray Gun

Mace Pepper Baton-Different Way to Carry Pepper Spray

Of course most people want to carry the strongest pepper spray available, but don’t want to carry around a large cumbersome canister that looks goofy.

That’s where the new Mace Pepper Baton comes in. It’s a long skinny container, about 5 3/4″ long, attached to a key chain. Many people prefer pepper spray on a key chain because it’s so handy.

Hot Mace Pepper Fogger BatonThis mini aerosol protection will spray up to 5′ away. While it’s not a good long range spray defense, it’s still very effective because it’s a fogger. It puts out a “cloud” instead of a stream of hot capsicum pepper spray.

The Mace Pepper Baton comes in several colors and refills are available.

Combination Pepper Spray Kits for All Around Defense

Many people feel the need to own several different types and sizes of pepper sprays so they feel safe wherever they are.

When at home, a large pepper spray or two kept in the bedroom, near the front door, or in the garage or basement will provide a sense of security.

In your car, you may want a smaller pepper spray to keep on your visor, or in your console or glove box to ward off someone who tries to carjack you, or in the event of a suspicious accident, you’ll have a self defense product to protect you and/or your family.

Man or woman, you may want to carry a mini pepper spray in your pocket or purse. Many of these have keychains to make it convenient to carry with you all the time.

Think about your daily routine and where you might need to beef up your defense. Total pepper spray protection may be just what you need.


Pepper Gel Is Not A Hair Product!

Pepper spray, pepper foam, pepper stream, pepper gel…so many types, what’s the difference?

Today I’ll talk about pepper gel.

Pepper gel comes in a container like regular pepper spray in several different sizes. When it’s sprayed out at an attacker, it’ll stick like glue to his face, hair, neck, wherever you hit!

Since it’s sticky, it can’t be rubbed off, in fact, if he tries to rub it off, it just permeates into his skin more. More irritation, more burning, more everything.

Pepper gel is better on a windy day since it won’t spread like a spray, and it’s better if you have to use it indoors or in a smaller space. You also don’t have to worry about your aim, like you do with a stream.

Pepper gel has its advantages. So think about your daily routine and see if this is something you might need. Remember, do not use it on your hair!


A Few FAQ’s About Pepper Spray

Here’s a few of the most common questions I get about pepper spray. Hope these help. I’ll have more later, check back!

1. Does Pepper Spray Expire?
Yes, most canisters last 3-4 years and the pepper spray expiration date should be on the can. The potency may decrease, so you want to make sure you the effectiveness of pepper spray is still strong

2. How long do the effects of oc, mace or pepper spray last?
Anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the strength of the spray, measured by the Scoville Heat Units, depending on how much was sprayed on the attacker, or whether or not the attacker was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3. How do I use pepper spray?
You should practice good pepper spray techniques when you get a can. Read the package for directions, go outside, aim at something and spray.
Try for a one second burst downwind so you don’t spray yourself.
Get used to the feel of the sprayer, find the best way to grip it, know how to unlock the safety lock or cap, and know what it feels like when you spray.

Click here to get a great little book all about pepper spray facts you should know.

Don’t Buy Pepper Spray Until You Read This!

Are You Confused By All The Pepper Sprays For Sale?

Don’t Know What The Differences Are?

Don’t Know Which One Is Best For You?


  • 10%, 17%  or 18% OC Pepper Spray
  • Identifying Vegetable Dye
  • Scoville Heat Units
  • Law Enforcement Strength
  • Effective Range
  • Pepper Spray, Gel or Foam
  • Non-Lethal Effects
  • Mace or Tear Gas
  • How Do I Store It?
  • Expiration Dates–Will It Still Work?
  • What If I Spray Myself?
  • Special Defense Spray for Joggers/Hikers/Seniors/Ladies/Men
  • Sizes Available
  • Is It Legal in My State?
  • Types of Disguised Pepper Spray

Do you need answers? What do all these mean? Platinum Security Products can help you choose.