Category Archives: Pepper Spray Reviews

Pepper Spray Self Defense

You may be wondering what exactly is self defense. When can it be used, how may it be used, can a weapon be used, if so, what kind? Lethal or non-lethal? Should you just run away, retreat? What if you can’t? What if you’re being held down and attacked?

Unless you’ve been out of the country for the last week, you know that George Zimmerman has been acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida.  Riots and protests ensued, Stevie Wonder is boycotting the state of Florida, opinions are flying around, the jurors are in hiding, the feds are threatening to get involved, and so on.

All in the name of self defense!

I think this issue of self-defense and “Stand Your Ground” is going to be picked apart and examined under a microscope until people (politicians) think they can come up with a reasonable answer. But can they? There will be a million different circumstances and a million different outcomes…who can say what the one right answer is?

Anyways, in the case of George and Trayvon, we’ll never know what really happened that night, and both men made mistakes, sadly, one of them fatal.

WHAT IF George had used pepper spray in self defense? He could have still protected himself, it just wouldn’t have been lethal. There would have been a different ending to that story.

Our products at Platinum Security Products are non-lethal self defense weapons. They are effective and have no permanent
damage to an attacker. Chances are slim that you’ll wind up in court after using them.


Common Pepper Spray Questions

Puzzled about using pepper spray? Some of the frequently asked questions, along with the answers, are listed below.

1. How do I use pepper spray?

You should practice good pepper spray techniques when you get a canister. Read the package for directions, go outside, aim at something and spray. Try for a one second burst downwind so you don’t spray yourself. Get used to the feel of the sprayer, find the best way to grip it, know how to unlock the safety lock or cap, and know what it feels like when you spray

2.  How long do the effects of oc, mace or pepper spray last?
Anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the strength of the spray, measured by the Scoville Heat Units, depending on how much was sprayed on the attacker, or whether or not the attacker was under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3. Does Pepper Spray Expire?

Yes, most canisters last 3-4 years and the pepper spray expiration date should be on the can. The potency may decrease, so you want to make sure you the effectiveness of pepper spray is still strong

Click here to get a great little book all about pepper spray facts you should know re’s a few of the most common questions I get about pepper spray. Hope these help.

Pink Pepper Spray Self Defense

Stupinkpepperspraypid boyfriend wouldn’t let his girl protect herself!

Read it here!

Could This Be The Hottest Pepper Spray!

Streetwise Pepper Spray offers several “levels” of pepper spray. One of the hottest is the Streetwise 18 Pepper Spray because it

 has a CHR of over 180,000 SHU making it one of the hottest, most effective self-defense sprays on the market.

For comparison, the independent laboratory tested competing brands. They found the average heat rating to be 123,000 SHU, making Streetwise

18 over 46% hotter than the competition!

This hot pepper spray is so potent that it can incapacitate an attacker for up to 45 minutes without causing any permanent harm. Wow!

Available in 9 fashion colors-yellow, purple, lavender, pink, blue, black, red, pink camo, and denim.


New Pepper Spray That Can’t Be Taken Away

I’ve met many women at various types of shows who tell me they’re afraid to carry pepper spray because it might be used against them.

Well, I’ve found a defense spray that can’t be used against them. It’s the new Defuser Pepper Spray, available in pink or black.

There’s a good size wrist strap that inserts into the pepper spray canister unit. If someone tries to take away your pepper spray and pulls it away from you, the wrist strap detaches, leaving the canister deactivated! Hopefully, you’ll get to spray him before it’s grabbed.

How cool is that?

The Defuser Pepper Spray will take care of two of your fears! Get some today!

DeFuser Pepper Spray

DeFuser Pepper Spray in Pink & Black

Buy Discount Pepper Spray Online

How do you buy pepper spray products at a discount?

There are several ways to do this.

One is to buy from a wholesaler. You might have to buy mass quantities of the product you want. This may not work if you only want one item and you don’t want to become a reseller.

Another way is to buy on Ebay directly from a China supplier–can you afford to wait 2-4 weeks for your cheap pepper spray? Will it actually arrive? Who do you call for customer service if something goes wrong?

A third way is to buy hot pepper spray online from a reputable seller (such as Platinum Security Products). You can get a discount pepper spray in several colors, get fast shipping and have a phone number, website or email for any of your questions.

We’ve all been to stores or shopped online where we’ve said we’d never shop there again no matter what the price. Maybe you bought something at a discount, but the customer service or overall experience was also “at a discount”.  Was it worth it?

There are those who only look at the dollar when they buy something. Others will look at the value–there is a difference. When it comes to your safety and security, make sure the “discount” is worth it.

Discount Pepper Spray


Mace Defense Spray

Here’s a short video highlighting some Mace defense spray products. 

Click on the link to watch it. For more details, visit

My Animoto Video.

Pepper Spray for College Girls

Parents are sending their daughters (and sons) away to college, and many are afraid. Afraid because their children are going off on their own for the first time, maybe to a large urban city where all kinds of dangers lurk.

One way to alleviate that fear is to send them off with some type of non lethal self defense product, like a cheap pepper spray. Small, easy to use, and effective, pepper spray comes in all sizes and forms.

Whether it’s a 1/2 oz pink pepper spray keychain, a disguised pepper spray pen, or a larger pepper spray canister kept in the dorm room, their college girl will feel safer and more secure on campus or roaming around a new city.

Also, whether meeting new friends on campus or some stranger on a bus, their college girl will be able to defend herself if needed.

So parents, when you are preparing a “care package” for your student, don’t forget the gift of self defense.

Black Bears, Grizzly Bears, Brown Bears, Oh My!

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

If Dorothy had the best bear pepper spray with her, she never would be afraid of bears again.

Whether you might come across black bears, grizzly bears, or brown bears, make sure you’re protected against a vicious bear attack. Bears may be in your own backyard or you may encounter them in a national park while hiking.

Call it grizzly bear spray, black bear spray or just anti bear spray, but carry some kind of bear repellent or bear deterrent like Guard Alaska Bear Pepper Spray.

Registered with the EPA, and formulated to repel a bear in a safe and humane way, this popular bear mace spray is effective and powerful. It has a shooting range of 20-30 feet, who wants to get any closer than that? The bear won’t be harmed and hopefully you won’t either.

bear mace

Lipstick Pepper Spray for a Bad Date

You’ve been out on a date with a guy who’s a dud and you can’t wait for it to end!

He thinks it’s going great. He pulls the car up to your building and stops to let you out (he’s not the kind to walk you to the door).

He grabs you for a good night kiss and a grope at your chest. You push him away but he keeps grabbing.

Ask him for a moment to get a breath mint out of your purse, or to redo your lipstick or any excuse to get your cute lipstick pepper spray out of your purse.

This guy just doesn’t get the meaning of the word “stop”, so you need to show him you mean business.

Hopefully,  just the threat of being pepper sprayed will make him stop long enough for you to get out of the car. You don’t really want to be in the car if you need to spray him.

This cute pepper spray disguised as a tube of lipstick can prevent an attack or rape so don’t be afraid to carry it.