Pepper Spray Self Defense

You may be wondering what exactly is self defense. When can it be used, how may it be used, can a weapon be used, if so, what kind? Lethal or non-lethal? Should you just run away, retreat? What if you can’t? What if you’re being held down and attacked?

Unless you’ve been out of the country for the last week, you know that George Zimmerman has been acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida.  Riots and protests ensued, Stevie Wonder is boycotting the state of Florida, opinions are flying around, the jurors are in hiding, the feds are threatening to get involved, and so on.

All in the name of self defense!

I think this issue of self-defense and “Stand Your Ground” is going to be picked apart and examined under a microscope until people (politicians) think they can come up with a reasonable answer. But can they? There will be a million different circumstances and a million different outcomes…who can say what the one right answer is?

Anyways, in the case of George and Trayvon, we’ll never know what really happened that night, and both men made mistakes, sadly, one of them fatal.

WHAT IF George had used pepper spray in self defense? He could have still protected himself, it just wouldn’t have been lethal. There would have been a different ending to that story.

Our products at Platinum Security Products are non-lethal self defense weapons. They are effective and have no permanent
damage to an attacker. Chances are slim that you’ll wind up in court after using them.


About Platinum Security Products

"Providing Peace of Mind in a Crazy World" I want women to feel safe and protected. There are self defense products to help you, don't be afraid! Take care of yourself and others that you care about.

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