Pepper Gel Is Not A Hair Product!

Pepper spray, pepper foam, pepper stream, pepper gel…so many types, what’s the difference?

Today I’ll talk about pepper gel.

Pepper gel comes in a container like regular pepper spray in several different sizes. When it’s sprayed out at an attacker, it’ll stick like glue to his face, hair, neck, wherever you hit!

Since it’s sticky, it can’t be rubbed off, in fact, if he tries to rub it off, it just permeates into his skin more. More irritation, more burning, more everything.

Pepper gel is better on a windy day since it won’t spread like a spray, and it’s better if you have to use it indoors or in a smaller space. You also don’t have to worry about your aim, like you do with a stream.

Pepper gel has its advantages. So think about your daily routine and see if this is something you might need. Remember, do not use it on your hair!


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"Providing Peace of Mind in a Crazy World" I want women to feel safe and protected. There are self defense products to help you, don't be afraid! Take care of yourself and others that you care about.

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